Thermally modified wood siding can be fastened using different installation methods but I suggest that you follow the manufacturers recommended installation guidelines. I recently visited a job site in Burlington, Ontario where the contractor was installing the thermally modified wood siding on a private residence and the contractors took some time to explain their installation […]
One should not overlook the fact that to properly bring a product to the marketplace it needs to be tested not only once but several times over and on a continual basis. With a natural wood product the requirement for testing is even greater. Thermally modified wood was introduced and developed to eliminate some of […]
Had the pleasure of recently traveling the roadways of Washington and Montana State with two of Specialty Forest Products salespeople. The purpose of my trip was to listen to what Specialty Forest Products dealer customers had to say about thermally modified wood products and how the product would be received in the eyes of the […]
Is Thermally Modified Hardwood Lumber Here To Stay?
I was wondering that exact same thing until I came across a product called ProBond Max. It works great and is readily available here in the Canadian marketplace. I picked up my bottle at my local Home Hardware store. Gluing thermally modified wood can pose some issues. I found that the processing time needed for […]
The roasting & steam process creates a very appealing initial look to woods. However, these woods will now silver in record time, are far more brittle, and they can aggressively check & crack. If thermally modified wood is left uncoated in Australia it will shift in color to something much lighter inside 7 days when […]
Unusual wear patterns have been observed on thermally modified woods which are not typical of Cutek wear on regular woods. We are still not sure why pigment has not adhered in some areas, but the usual fade/wear pattern is not apparent. It also appears that when too much coating/pigment has been applied, the result is […]
What you can learn from a few professionals while working along side them can be beneficial no matter how inept one may feel to the task at hand. The opportunity presented itself so I jumped at it and was very surprised that what you see from the outside of a finished home is often meticulously […]
Improper wood preparation and over applying stains could pose an issue with thermally modified wood.
It has come to light recently that the extremely fine milling process used in the manufacture of thermally modified woods creates such a smooth surface that little in the way of coatings can adhere to. Coatings need surface roughness to adhere for any length of time. Tints that are available for example, with the Cutek […]