Testing of thermally modified wood plays an important role.
One should not overlook the fact that to properly bring a product to the marketplace it needs to be tested not only once but several times over and on a continual basis. With a natural wood product the requirement for testing is even greater. Thermally modified wood was introduced and developed to eliminate some of the inherent problems that are associated with natural wood products once exposed to the outdoor environment and will encounter elements such as wind, fire, rain and not to mention the suns powerful ultraviolet rays. If you think you have mother nature beat then you best think again. It can destroy the best of materials overnight or over time.
CFP Cladding & Decking realizes that testing of its thermally modified wood decking and siding products is continual and also very educational. They like to use the analogy that “no board has the exact DNA as the one beside it”. I visited their rooftop testing facility (yes I said rooftop) and was able to see each pc. of thermally modified wood in various states of the testing cycle. It could be two day’s into the test cycle or two years. The day I visited their facility a customer from British Columbia and one of the companies owners were happily engaged in a testing session using one of the companies moisture meters.
I came away from the rooftop experience with a greater appreciation of what some companies will resort to ensure their products are meeting the standards that they put in print and online and can back these statements up. I have often found like most of us that a lot of what you read in the media or print today very rarely transpires to the realities of the product.

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