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Water Absorption and Stability Test on Thermally Modified Wood

I received some samples of thermally modified wood and proceeded to test them for water absorption as I had been told that properly dried thermally modified wood will not allow active water to remain in the wood like other non-thermally modified wood products which in theory should make the thermally modified wood more stable and […]

Testing of thermally modified wood plays an important role.

One should not overlook the fact that to properly bring a product to the marketplace it needs to be tested not only once but several times over and on a continual basis. With a natural wood product the requirement for testing is even greater. Thermally modified wood was introduced and developed to eliminate some of […]

Application of Cutek Extreme on Thermally Modified Woods.

The roasting & steam process creates a very appealing initial look to woods.  However, these woods will now silver in record time, are far more brittle, and they can aggressively check & crack.  If thermally modified wood is left uncoated in Australia it will shift in color to something much lighter inside 7 days when […]