After several months and exhaustive testing administered by an approved California State independent lab, Cherry Forest Products and the companies Thermally Modified Ash achieved listing status under the wood decking and siding categories approved to be listed on the BML (Building Materials Listing) section under direction of the California State Fire Marshal’ office. The department […]
Its easier said than done when a company states a claim to their green products. CFP Cladding & Decking decided to put their words into action by joining the Canada Green Building Council in August this year. The CaGBC mission statement reads, “Lead and accelerate the transformation to high-performing, healthy green buildings, homes and communities […]
Our Novawood thermally modified wood has a variety of end uses that can enhance your living area whether it be indoor our outdoor. Novawood remains natural and beautiful after the thermal modification process has taken place but also it has many additional qualities that sometime get overlooked. The products treated with the Thermowood method are; […]