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What is thermally modified wood and what can it be used for?

We often hear the term but don’t really understand what it means. Its a process where wood is altered from its original makeup by using a combination of heat and steam with the absence of oxygen. This changes the cell structure of the wood in order to increase the woods durability. Lack of oxygen prevents […]

Why should you consider using thermally modified wood using the Thermowood method?

Our Novawood thermally modified wood has a variety of end uses that can enhance your living area whether it be indoor our outdoor. Novawood remains natural and beautiful after the thermal modification process has taken place but also it has many additional qualities that sometime get overlooked. The products treated with the Thermowood method are; […]

Nature’s Gift To Us, Our Gift To You

Novawood set out with the purpose of weaving the texture of the “tree” into the fabric of “life”. Our aim was to convert this most beautiful gift of nature into breathing, living spaces while trying to preserve the rich forests of our world through sustainable solutions. We embrace the quality of “longevity” as the most […]