Establishing a classification standard for Thermally Modified Wood in Canada.
I understand there are many added benefits of using thermally modified wood products over traditional non thermally modified woods. I used some thermally modified wood ash for my decking project at my home and really liked the look and feel of the wood.
I purchased my decking at Wellesley Home Hardware and thought there would be some information about Canadian product standards that would accompany my purchase but I discovered that no such standards have yet been developed in Canada.
Through online research I found several thermally modified wood treatment facilities in Canada and some do both Canadian hardwoods and softwoods and they use a variety of species such as White Ash and Eastern White Pine. Thermally modified wood producers use various technologies to treat the wood, however, since no standards have yet been approved for the industry as a whole, the quality and appearance may differ from one manufacturer to another.
In Eastern Canada some of the thermal treatment facilities are working with a company called FP Innovations which works with the forestry sector and its stakeholders interested in innovative solutions coming out of Canada’s forest industry, including development of a classification standard for thermally modified wood. This will eventually lead to consumers being able to make a well-informed choice based on the use they want to make of the product (interior or exterior application).
Thermally modified wood seems to becoming more popular in Canada due to its high durability and rot resistant benefits. I purchased my thermally treated ash decking for the same price I would have paid for Ipe which apparently comes from South America and its not thermally modified which makes it less stable and harder to work with.
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