Another successful event showcasing just how versatile wood can be utilized in modern construction designs these days. Wood is being emphasized in many structural specifications that has opened up new opportunities to utilize not only its natural beauty but its structural strength.The Wood Solutions Fair is the premier event in Canada dedicated to design and construction […]
Like all exterior wood products as the wood is exposed to the ultraviolet light it begins to breakdown the woods natural color and the wood begins to fade and then grey. All natural species of woods such as Ipe, Western Red Cedar, Pine, Douglas Fir ,including thermally modified wood, will naturally grey over time if […]
After several months and exhaustive testing administered by an approved California State independent lab, Cherry Forest Products and the companies Thermally Modified Ash achieved listing status under the wood decking and siding categories approved to be listed on the BML (Building Materials Listing) section under direction of the California State Fire Marshal’ office. The department […]
The 2018 Ottawa Wood Conference held at the Shaw Centre in downtown Ottawa drew over 200+ architects, engineers, building officials and other members of the design community. The Ottawa conference is fast becoming the premiere event for wood education. At this years event there was several exhibitors that were showcasing wood products that could result […]
Opportunities are expanding for alternative environmentally friendly wood materials being used in the construction marketplace both in the United States and Canada and one such wood technology called “thermal modification” is gaining it’s fair share of attention. Recently at the AIA (American Institute of Architects) convention and trade show in Minneapolis thermally modified wood made […]
The quality of raw material has a significant effect on the quality of the final heat-treated wood product. In principle, all wood species can be heat-treated. However, the parameters used for the process must be optimized separately for each wood species. In Finland, the species used for heat treatment are pine (Pinus sylvestris), spruce (Picea abies), birch (Betula […]
Expert opinions suggest that when you thermally modify wood it increases the durability rating of the wood significantly. Test reports on wood that has been thermally modified wood using North American Ash are given much better durability ratings compared to other wood species that have not been thermally modified. Durability is one of the key […]
The simple answer is yes. There is not a natural exterior wood product that will not fade over time when being exposed to the suns UV rays. UV light has the most impact on color change. You only have to put a piece of unfinished wood out in direct sunlight for a short time with […]