Installing wood siding does not need to be over thought and we can appreciate professional installers various installation approaches based on the type of material being used and the buildings exterior differences. The following are some general guidelines in helping avoid possible problems after the installation has been completed utilizing the rain-screen installation method. Caulking […]
We can all appreciate that energy production, as was well intended it may seem, can have unintended consequences. We remain a continent that demands products and services that are the direct result of energy infrastructure that, at often times, cross our ever increasing awareness of our own personal believes of what we perceive as harmful […]
After several months and exhaustive testing administered by an approved California State independent lab, Cherry Forest Products and the companies Thermally Modified Ash achieved listing status under the wood decking and siding categories approved to be listed on the BML (Building Materials Listing) section under direction of the California State Fire Marshal’ office. The department […]